Getting Started

Interested in Scouting?

Here are 2 ways to get to started.

  1. Just show up at any of our Monday Meetings and get introduced to the troop and adult leaders
  2. Drop us a note and let us know you are interested

Whether or not you’ve been in Scouting before, there is a new world for youth to explore in a Scout troop. And, of course, as a parent, you can help ensure the success of your Scout. We strive for every youth to achieve the aims of Scouting: character development, citizenship training, leadership, and mental and physical fitness.

Where Do We Meet?

Visit us at our Monday meetings!

We hold regular troop meetings every Monday from 7:00-8:30 PM at Cannon First United Methodist Church. Come visit us!

Previous Troop Campouts

Tybee Island Fishing Trip - 2017

Wolf Ridge, North Carolina Ski Trip - 2017

Silver Comet Trail Biking Trip - 2016

"Iron Chef" Cooking Competition - 2017