Getting Started
Interested in Scouting?
Interested in Scouting?
Here are 2 ways to get to started.
- Just show up at any of our Monday Meetings and get introduced to the troop and adult leaders
- Drop us a note and let us know you are interested
Whether or not you’ve been in Scouting before, there is a new world for youth to explore in a Scout troop. And, of course, as a parent, you can help ensure the success of your Scout. We strive for every youth to achieve the aims of Scouting: character development, citizenship training, leadership, and mental and physical fitness.
Where Do We Meet?
Visit us at our Monday meetings!
Visit us at our Monday meetings!
We hold regular troop meetings every Monday from 7:00-8:30 PM at Cannon First United Methodist Church. Come visit us!
Previous Troop Campouts
Previous Troop Campouts
Tybee Island Fishing Trip - 2017
Wolf Ridge, North Carolina Ski Trip - 2017
Silver Comet Trail Biking Trip - 2016
"Iron Chef" Cooking Competition - 2017